Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bela @ 7 months

I usually put a bow in Bela's hair to keep it out of her eyes. In May, I put her hair in pigtails for the first time. She tolerated them going in once, but I don't know if we will be able to duplicate them again anytime soon.

She still has her favorite toys which include: Bunny, Frog, Ducky, Blue and Tug. Her most favorite toy of all was one I bought for her when she was still with the other puppies. It is a sherpa bone with a squeaky in the middle. She will walk around the house for hours (usually when I am trying to take a nap) or wake us up at 6am squeaking squeaking squeaking squeaking to no end. She get anxious when she can't find it too! We fear the day "Sherpa" can no longer be played with. Target doesn't carry them anymore and ebay doesn't have them either. I think this is a dilemma parents go through with their children and pacifiers.

Bela on Easter

On Easter we headed to the park after J was off work to celebrate with our Belabunny. She loves going to the park. She lures all the humans over with her cuteness to make them her minions. She is always seeking more minions- consider yourself warned!

Bela @ 17 weeks

In February we headed down south for our post-wedding reception. Bela stole the show that day. Uncle G is holding her on the left and J is with her on the right.

Bela on Christmas Eve 2008

On Christmas Eve Bela went out for her first social outing amongst humans. She did great! And then fell fast asleep...

Bela @ 8 weeks

Here is Bela at 8 weeks of age with "bunny". Bunny was her first toy when she came home albeit a now present day dirty bunny with amputated arms and legs, it still gets pulled out of the toy area and wrestled with.

Bela @ 7 weeks

For those who don't know this was Bela at 7 weeks of age. We weren't sure of we would get her but in the end "it was meant to be".

Our puppy Bela

Bela was born October 20, 2008 and has been a joy in our lives ever since we brought her home. As any puppy- Bela has good days and bad days. Some days she is the sweetest, some days she hides all of our socks, some days she eats things she shouldn't, and some days she gets clingy and doesn't want us to go anywhere.

This blog will attempt to follow her and update people on her adventures.